Let's Play a Game: Mitten Match - Subscription Box Kids

Let's Play a Game: Mitten Match

Playing a game with your kid is a great way to build different learning skills. Not only do they learn through the concept of the game, it can also be great way to reinforce how to follow instructions and practice waiting their turn. Playing different games can be a great way to build communication skills plus a great way to spend quality time with your kid. Grab your free game of Mitten Match here.


Here's how to play Mitten Match.

Print your free game here. 

TIP: You can then laminate the sheets if you choose to do so. This will help them last longer. I recommend laminating them before you cut them out.

Cut out each card. Start by laying just a few cards in front of your kid. You can add more cards as they learn more colors and letters. Adding too many cards at once may become overwhelming. Start by matching the cards by color. Then, practice matching upper and lowercase letters on the mittens. Add more cards each time you play or as they begin to master more letters. 

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